
Thursday, September 30, 2004

I am still in search of a normal wake-up time. Today I woke up at 5:30 am. This is not exactly what I had in mind when I got back. From what others have said, the third day back is always the hardest.

Otherwise, I am still waiting for my supervisor to get back to me in regards to my immigration stuff. I was hoping that he would be able to get things done quickly. In any case, I am still waiting for stuff from the registry office who is paying my bills and will cut me a check when they are done. This always takes forever. We need a faster more stream-lined international financial system, especially for the non-billionaires of the world.

I have everything hooked up now in my new place. Power and heat. The internet will not be hooked up until the 5th of October. For now, I have to come to the library. With it being so close, it is not a big deal. The hardest part is forcing yourself to go up and down the four flights of stairs.

posted by Chris  #9:16 AM | 0 comments |