
Thursday, August 18, 2005

This week was Bill Bailey week for me. First, on Monday, I went to see his punk band Beergut 100, which was a big blast. I had seen him in recorded stand up comedy and on the show Black Books, which is a hilarious show and everyone must see it. His punk band played all the classic punk songs and was hailed as: "The best unrehearsed punk band at the Edinburgh Fringe" (and possibly the only one). They did not sound unrehearsed. For instance, they did a punk version of Annie's "Tomorrow", which kicked much ass. The only glich for the night was when I spilled three quarters of a pint of Gunniness on my roommate just before the show. No, I was not drunk; I was trying to take off my sweater.

This afternoon, I went to see Bill Bailey in The Odd Couple. It was amazing!! I got front row seats so I got to see the entire play without much effort. Each actor played their role to the hilt with Bill Bailey as Oscar (as only he can). It was great seeing them all struggle with American accents but the two English girls up stairs had these great broad English accents. The stage and props were great as well. They had real American money when they were playing poker and Oscar had a copy of the New York Post from the time period (they decided to go with the original time period of the play, which was late 1960's and the decor was perfect).

I have one more festival thing to go to on Wednesday. On Saturday, I have to make a trip down to Yorkshire to attend a friend's wedding reception (they got married a few months ago but are just now having the reception). I will let you know how it goes.

posted by Chris  #10:47 PM | 0 comments |