
Friday, August 04, 2006

I went to the Edinburgh Tattoo last night. Before hand, my friends and I had went to dinner at a very nice Thai place near Usher Hall. Well, from my earlier experience with the Tattoo, I told them that they cram you into tiny seats and if you have to go to the bathroom you will have to bother at least ten people twice to get in and out during the show. So, as we walked up Castle Terrace to get into the throng to get in, one of my friends said that she had to use the bathroom before hand. Well, it just happens that her church is the one on the corner of the Lawnmarket next to the Castle. So, we go down to the cafe entrance and there is a military cadet standing there. My friend tells the cadet that this is her kirk so the cadet lets us in. Well, little did we know that the cafe area had been turned into the dressing area for the girl's highland dancers for the Tattoo. So, I see girls in their kilts in various states of dress (to be fair, they were mostly dressed by this point but were still getting things arranged). We make our way through that and I had to sit there and wait for them to use the bathroom. That was a little embarrassing.

The show itself was fantastic. I would highly recommend this year's show. The best bit was that we scored half-price tickets!

posted by Chris  #1:33 PM | 0 comments |